Is this you?
you desire to master the art of deep feeling, responsibility and deep vulnerability to cultivate a new level of intimacy, depth and love with life, your purpose and your partner instead of living a life full of closure, anger and resentment.
you have been strong and independent all of your life that values freedom but now deeply desires to soften & experience passionate love and mature masculine leadership.
you feel like you have hit an edge in your current relationship & desire to experience deeper love, safety, polarity and passion with your partner & how you both can cultivate it sustainably.
you know that there is more to love than being the over-giver, caretaker & sacrifice/loose yourself in relationships and desire to stay truthful to yourself while calling in/ cultivating a deep, meaningful relationship.
you desire to learn about your attachments, your default patterns and the many roles you take on & transform victimhood, anxiety, self sabotage, judgment, self-abandonment, sacrifice, compromise, co-dependency, resentment and closure into conscious communication, secure relating, freedom and love with yourself and the masculine.
you have a history with being detached in relationships, jumping from one relationship to another or simply find yourself disrespecting men/ not being able to commit to them - and long to heal what stands between you and the masculine to cultivate authentic love.
you are curious to explore the power and ancient wisdom of your lineage & womb and unleash your unique feminine truth, expression, voice & gift - discover and reveal who you are beyond conditioning or worry of 'what people could think' or 'being too much'.
long to break the cycle of attracting unavailable, uncommitted, passive men & desire to call in a mature, conscious partnership in which you feel met, safe, alive, passionate and full of possibility.
you notice that you become agitated quickly, often feel unsafe, put up your guard and often let your defence mechanisms control you & desire to know how to practically regulate your nervous-system in day to day life for more capacity and availability.
you long to make God your lover, because you know that you deserve to be loved, filled and spoiled endlessly.
you long to fall deeply and utterly in love with your feminine vessel and self & reconnect to the full range of your wild, devoted, innocent heart and expression.
you desire to heal the relationship with your inner child on an even deeper, more nuanced level - and desire to a be a loving mother in this lifetime/are already a mother and desire to approach your children with more love, compassion and understanding.