You feel like you have endless ideas on how to serve the world, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you believe it takes to transmit them. You often toss your ideas out the window, before giving them a chance to grow. You long to experience your work create a true ripple and impact.
You desire to create clear pathways for your offerings (so clients can easily access, join & pay you) and learn to communicate your craft in a way that no questions, no 'convincing sales calls' are needed. You desire to stand on a clear foundation, clear boundaries and values and allow clients to find you.
You often attract clients that unconsciously want you to 'save them'/'mother them'. You end up caretaking them, sacrificing yourself and do not know how to set clear boundaries. You long to attract clients and create spaces in which you meet self-led clients, willing to experience greater depth and transformation.
you feel like you have hit an edge in your current business, expansion and income. You might have reached a certain point of 'success', but feel that you want to create a true legacy that not only makes you feel truly alive but leaves a print in the world. You feel like a new era is waiting, but haven't yet found the path to cross the bridge.
you believe deeply in the power of your work and offering, but deep down you feel depleted and hopeless - feeling like 'nobody truly gets/sees what you offer' - you feel like you have to work hard and invest endless hours to receive 'attention' and create an abundant flow of income. You have not been able to truly sink in and enjoy the nature of your work, because you are in a constant state of survival/ trying to find ways to 'reach' new clients.
you long to claim your role as a recognised leader and impact the world profoundly with your wisdom & work, while cultivating lasting prosperity and without needing to shape-shift into someone you are not.
Is this you?
Self doubt, fear of failure, overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, fear of actual success, frustration, anger, resentment are often emotions that accompany you while growing your business and you long to enter a new era in which you stand clearly, confidently, maturely for your work and voice.
You desire to heal your relationship with money and liberate your whole lineage/break the spell of having to work hard, trading your hours for money and never being able to escape the hamster wheel of 'just having enough.' You desire to cultivate and live a life in which you live in prosperity and with a relaxed nervous-system.
You long to co-create with God by your side - as your lover and husband for your inner woman; your father for your inner child & co-leader for your inner masculine. You long to relax, soften and receive more deeply from him (in terms of clients, money, impact) instead of choosing to do it all alone. You are ready to deepen your trust in him and take the path of union and co-creation.
In your work you often look for outside reassurance. You often catch yourself doubting yourself if you haven't received the feedback or results you envisioned. You look for external validation when it comes to practicing your gift and taking up space. You long to be rooted in trust, deep knowing of your worth and impact.
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Private Coaching
Resting in Him
The Year of Union
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This is a tailored private coaching program that supports women in healing their trauma around love, relating, sexuality and intimacy with the masculine and their own heart. Come home to your natural feminine core, become a woman that loves well, maturely and deeply and feels endlessly loved.
A self paced 6 module course on forever healing and creating right relationship with the masculine. Journey and heal the wounds passed on from your ancestors, heal your father-wound & the impact your past relationships have left behind. Surrender into your feminine heart without holding back.
A self paced 24 module course - Journey a whole year through all layers of love - anchor into your mature feminine heart, dearmour your heart through tending to your past traumas and create deep love & union with the masculine - rewriting your story of love & letting this become your year of inner and outer union.
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All rights reserved 2025
Amy Ebinger