wHILE co-creating with god, trusting his leadership & SIMULTANOUESLY RESTING IN HIM AND forever DEEPENING INTO HER FEMININE CORE AND HEART.

BE RECOGNISED. well known. APPRECIATED. HEARD. IMPACTFUL AND WIDLY SUCCESSFUL and prosperous AS A BYPRODUCT OF embodying love and consciousness.

Become the Vessel for Gods Love & Vision


A seed has been placed inside of your womb - desiring to grow inside of you and bloom, so the world and God can see its beauty. A seed that has been offered to you, because God wants to experience life through you.

When you become the vessel through which god creates, impacts and loves the world - you offer yourself to something bigger than your ego, your trauma & pain. You build a legacy of love with the intention of opening the world to greater love. 

While you might already be experiencing glimpses of what could be - your true wisdom, vision and impact has likely felt suffocated by the boxes, conditioning and stories you have placed upon them - not only does your heart grow restless, but also the people that long to experience you. 

Instead of co-creating with God and committing to freeing love with him, you have likely unconsciously committed to further playing out your habits, pain, trauma of the past - feeding the cycle of victimhood instead of self responsibility and freedom.

The king in you is eager to mature and act on his true calling and purpose that has been given to him from God. He is eager to grab his sword and stand clear and full of integrity for the world he believes in and wishes to see. To be a true warrior for Love and God.

The queen in you is eager to mature and receive Gods seed in her womb. She longs to co-create with God through offering her oracle, heart, life force and devotion. She desires to gift the world with her nuanced expression and fierce love. With her fierce love she desires to touch the world and those around her. Heart open, yet clear, discerning and truth telling.

The innocent child that lives deeply in your heart is eager to explore the world, who she can be when she is free from judgement, fear and pain. She wants to make art and let the world be a part of it. She desires to make art for the sake of love and art itself instead of convincing others, trying to get attention or be approved. 

You are a multidimensional masterpiece. A colourful, nuanced vessel through which God speaks loud and clear as a powerful force. Committed to freeing love by being in service to it. 
By committing to being a vessel for Gods transmission you are able to rest deeper than ever before, knowing that your service involves a whole lot of freedom, pleasure, rest, prosperity & truth.

Creating a profitable business, an everlasting flow of money and cultivating deep impact in the world with your gift require you to: 

master the art of CONSCIOUS relating with yourself & those around you

THIS ART IS MASTERED when we take responsibility for all the ways we are committing to past pain/trauma rather than committing to our god given gift and love itself.  


You feel like you have endless ideas on how to serve the world, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you believe it takes to transmit them. You often toss your ideas out the window, before giving them a chance to grow. You long to experience your work create a true ripple and impact. 

You desire to create clear pathways for your offerings (so clients can easily access, join & pay you) and learn to communicate your craft in a way that no questions, no 'convincing sales calls' are needed. You desire to stand on a clear foundation, clear boundaries and values and allow clients to find you.

You often attract clients that unconsciously want you to 'save them'/'mother them'. You end up caretaking them, sacrificing yourself and do not know how to set clear boundaries. You long to attract clients and create spaces in which you meet self-led clients, willing to experience greater depth and transformation. 

you feel like you have hit an edge in your current business, expansion and income. You might have reached a certain point of 'success', but feel that you want to create a true legacy that not only makes you feel truly alive but leaves a print in the world. You feel like a new era is waiting, but haven't yet found the path to cross the bridge.

you believe deeply in the power of your work and offering, but deep down you feel depleted and hopeless - feeling like 'nobody truly gets/sees what you offer' - you feel like you have to work hard and invest endless hours to receive 'attention' and create an abundant flow of income. You have not been able to truly sink in and enjoy the nature of your work, because you are in a constant state of survival/ trying to find ways to 'reach' new clients. 

you long to claim your role as a recognised leader and impact the world profoundly with your wisdom & work, while cultivating lasting prosperity and without needing to shape-shift into someone you are not. 

Is this you?

Self doubt, fear of failure, overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, fear of actual success, frustration, anger, resentment are often emotions that accompany you while growing your business and you long to enter a new era in which you stand clearly, confidently, maturely for your work and voice. 

You desire to heal your relationship with money and liberate your whole lineage/break the spell of having to work hard, trading your hours for money and never being able to escape the hamster wheel of 'just having enough.' You desire to cultivate and live a life in which you live in prosperity and with a relaxed nervous-system. 

You long to co-create with God by your side - as your lover and husband for your inner woman; your father for your inner child & co-leader for your inner masculine. You long to relax, soften and receive more deeply from him (in terms of clients, money, impact) instead of choosing to do it all alone. You are ready to deepen your trust in him and take the path of union and co-creation.

In your work you often look for outside reassurance. You often catch yourself doubting yourself if you haven't received the feedback or results you envisioned. You look for external validation when it comes to practicing your gift and taking up space. You long to be rooted in trust, deep knowing of your worth and impact. 

Then you'll just love hearing that together we will be:

Forever healing your relationship with money (as you learn the feminine/masculine energetics of it) and how to join the dance of endless prosperity. 

Healing the immature/young outsourcing parts of your inner masculine/feminine, allowing them both to mature and show up with generosity, depth, confidence, commitment and as a true vessel for Gods love and vision.

Cultivating structure & clear boundaries that feel supportive, alive, aligned (without suffocating you) - so that your ideas, offerings and words make a true impact in this world. 

Learning the art of conscious relating in business - becoming the trustable, irresistable force of love that your community cannot get enough of and keeps wanting to come back to for more. Learn to serve, spoil and penetrate the world with your words and wisdom.

Forever transforming self doubt, fear, resentment, expectation, overwhelm into clarity, pleasure, truth, unwavering devotion, purpose and evolution.

Become the leader that cultivates 
depth, impact, prosperity, freedom
while experiencing 
recognition, expression, pleasure and rest -
Create a kingdom with God in which feelings of failure, abandonment and being unchosen do not hinder your service to the greater. 

Create a legacy that lasts, keeps on giving to those you serve and feels deeply fulfilling. Transform victimhood into self responsibility, integrity and maturity.
Relate consciously with your community and feel how they can't get enough of you.
Embrace the stage that has been given to you & utilise the gift and seed God has planted in you.

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Integration Practices & Homework

Forever Access to all Material on Private Platform

4 Modules (Teachings, Practices & Shamanic Journeys, Q&A)

God given Legacy, Money & Impact



God given Legacy, Money & Impact

Resting in Him





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Option for VIP Upgrade: 2 weeks of Private Voxer Coaching (Text/Audio via Voxer)

This is one of the most potent and useful containers I have been blessed to be a part of. Finally having the space to acknowledge my personal and ancestral traumas has been so liberating. Amy held the space in a nurturing, highly educational & also fun way with amazing perspectives from both the mature feminine & mature masculine energy; I really looked forward to each session. If you're desiring to learn how to have an epic relationship (& be totally clear & responsible for your part in it) - if you're ready to feel equipped, empowered & excited about the love you get to share - with everyone in your life, even those relationships that felt too heavy or complex, look no further! My relationship with my parents has improved & my general sense of belonging in my family, I love the practice of connecting to my inner man daily, I am loving exploring this relationship with him & feel more confident than ever about leading my life from my heart. It felt so beautiful to connect to myself as a divine creator of love, magic & passion; to focus here & know I get to meet someone here, whilst also learning the importance of bringing my inner child with me. Many realms have opened; deepened. I am so grateful that I got to be part of this. This work will enhance our lives & relationships so much, forever! Thank you with all my heart!


"This work will enhance our lives & relationships forever"

Working with Amy was hands down the best decision of my life.
It was a true investment in my health and it changed my life drastically for the better.
I was held in unconditional love from our first contact, throughout every container we have shared. I have had many different mentors on my path to return to God, none have been like Amy. Her work and her presence is deeply impactful. Working with Amy, you actually feel and notice change on a cellular level and you notice this within and without.
Amy is an absolute force of love. You feel the depth and truth of her mission throughout the containers she sets for her clients.
I’d work with Amy forever. She held me like a mother I longed for. Allowing me to go on my own path while holding me accountable for my choices so I was able to “Go out in the world and learn. Even when I fall flat on my face and trauma told me I wasn’t loved, Amy’s love felt like the only safe place where I KNEW I could return to without judgement. Something I never experienced before.

Having had 1:1 mentorships AND a private retreat tailored to my needs I can only recommend Amy to any woman who is on a path of love and wanting to create inner and outer union.
God has sent me Amy, so I could return into God’s arms and for that, I am forever grateful. 


"I'd work with Amy forever. She is a force of love - God sent me her"

I don't really have words to explain it but every day that I breath, I am wrapped in this divine romance...

The more I slow down the more I can feel myself romanced in every way by the cosmos...
This union is healing
Softening me in every part of my soul, body and mind...
When I think about it, I have tears in my eyes. 
This the greatest gift. The gift my inner child has been yearning for...
The chance to relax and no longer fight to be seen... 
The chance to know that life can be sweet and not just a burden... 

The embodied truth that father god and mother earth have always been there watching over me and loving me... 

I'm home.


"The chance to relax and no longer fight to be seen"

This container has been the best decision ever. I strongly recommend it to anyone needing to heal in relation to themselves and others. It has helped me become a more mature, radiant, playful, and devoted partner. I feel life more deeply and can discern my intuition from what is not. I feel connected to my womb and my heart. I love being a woman so much, enjoying life to the fullest. I dance often, I cry, I laugh. I embrace life with open arms, no matter what it brings to me.

Thank you, dearest Amy. When I began this journey with you, I sensed that it would be a significant year for me. Wow! I could not have reached this point without your love and support. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you.


"It has helped me become a more mature, radiant, playful and devoted partner!"

This was the most important work I've done to date on all of the issues that have not been working in my life. It required a real showing up for myself and commitment to this longing of wanting things to go different in my life; and after my full yes and showing up to it, each session, and the integration questions in between, then it felt as though Amy and the container fully came through, and carried it and me and us into the places where true insight and then foundational, cellular healing could occur. I could feel this work literally beginning to change and re-wire my cells and my patterns. I feel like this process has been a commitment to a true new beginning in my life, and looking back I can't imagine stepping towards the life I am truly wanting to create without having gone through this container and these journeys and reviewing and correcting everything in my life and lineages that was not working/not supportive. This feels like the work that comes before a re-birth. And it was also sooooo relaxing, sooooo loving, soooo soothing, sooooo fun, soooo miraculous, soooo deep, sooooo wise, soooo elegant. I think you know when you are ready for this - and when it feels like it has your name on it, it feels like the kindest and fastest and most guided path into the life and love you are truly longing for.


"I could feel this work beginning to change and rewire my cells and patterns."

Since healing my relationship with the masculine and reuniting, my life has expanded in every way. The journey we went on, I struggle to verbalise how incredible it was. The energy of that reunion created a warmth in my heart, I could feel it on a cellular level. Feeling into the energy of the masculine within me, has brought about this level of support, love and nurturing that I was always craving.
Amy held the space so delicate and graceful - for me to open up and feel completely safe.
The reunion was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced.
The way this has already played out in my life is incredible, I feel him hold me and support me speak my truth and take action.
I constantly have this support and protection within me now. I feel passionate and fierce. It has impacted every aspect of my life in the most profound way.
I am now a better lover, mother, sister, business woman, coach.
I can now truly and authentically be myself without fear.

Clare H.

"Since reuniting with the Masculine, my life has expanded in every way"

I loved it! This is such important work for everybody, Amy is a frontrunner on this topic and Amy brings so much quality to her work. She really lifts you higher in just a few calls. You also receive the right tools to bring this work forward in your own life. It is true that after this container your relationship with the  masculine is forever changed.


"After this your relationship with the masculine is forever changed"

Amy is incredibly tapped into source and her presence alone feels so grounding and healing. She is such a beautiful guide- she’s like a doula for your emotional healing and rebirth. The emotional release I experienced on the call was so powerful and exploring the different feminine archetypes like the maiden and lover/seductress helped me to connect more deeply with aspects of my feminine identity I had felt disconnected from.


"She’s like a Doula for your emotional healing and rebirth"

When I first saw Amy’s energy through her website my heart was screaming: yes!!! Although my head was telling stories of fear, I decided to follow the voice of my heart. Before I entered this container my heart was closed & my body carried a lot of tension, especially in my womb & shoulders/neck. My soul was so ready for this - I remember our first session, after 8 minutes (I still know the exact time) we dove into my deep sexual trauma. I freaking loved it!
After these 5 month my heart is so soft & open, my womb is free from pain & my body feels so alive! I allow myself to be sexual & living a pain free sex-life.
My partnership with my king shifted on another level. I am experiencing a massiv transformation in my connection to myself!

Jana G.

"My heart is so soft & open, my womb is free from pain"

The depth of wisdom, knowledge and love that Amy brings is truly remarkable. This lady is tuned in, 100% authentic and living her message! In her expansive energy I felt very safe and supported to dive deep, which is where the real, lasting transformations occur. What a gift Amy Isabelle Ebinger is-- I only wish I'd found her sooner!


"The depth of wisdom, knowledge and love that Amy brings is truly remarkable"

I want to thank Amy for her guidance.
What a beautiful journey into myself. It was so gentle yet had such a powerful impact on me.
Thank you for making this journey possible for me,
I fell like there has been a connection to myself that I was missing before,
I am forever grateful to Amy for it.
So much love for this special woman. 


"I feel like there has been a connection to myself that I was missing before"

I would like to thank you with all my heart for your 1:1 coaching the last 6 months.
At all times I felt safe and held during the process. Through your empathic, present and loving way of being I received so much healing. I experienced, transformed and opened so much just through your embodiment, knowledge and energy.
You have guided me into a new way of being. After our work, I feel much more connected with my inner masculine, my inner child, with god and with my femininity.
I am endlessly grateful, that our paths crossed and that you were the one to guide me.
Thank you for your work, thank you for your being.


"She has guided me into a new way of being"

Amy is Love & Relationship Coach and guide for trauma healing. She is a woman, teacher and guide of many arts - her work offers a portal into the spheres of shamanic healing, trauma healing, embodiment work, masculine/feminine union teachings, polarity, relating.

Over the past 11 years Amy has dedicated her life to her own healing and this work. She has supported hundreds of women through group programs, courses, private coaching, shamanic journeys, women's gatherings and more.

Amy's transmission in the world is grounded, wide, unconditional love. 
With her work she liberates the hearts of women desiring to soften into the truth of their heart, restore their biological feminine identity and create deep, unconditional love with the masculine.

Her vision is to help create a world in which the feminine and masculine feel, see & hear each other in union and create a world together which is based on love, safety and truth.


Private Coaching

Resting in Him

The Year of Union

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This is a tailored private coaching program that supports women in healing their trauma around love, relating, sexuality and intimacy with the masculine and their own heart. Come home to your natural feminine core,  become a woman that loves well, maturely and deeply and feels endlessly loved.

A self paced 6 module course on forever healing and creating right relationship with the masculine. Journey and heal the wounds passed on from your ancestors, heal your father-wound & the impact your past relationships have left behind. Surrender into your feminine heart without holding back. 

Want to go even deeper?

A self paced 24 module course - Journey a whole year through all layers of love - anchor into your mature feminine heart, dearmour your heart through tending to your past traumas and create deep love & union with the masculine - rewriting your story of love & letting this become your year of inner and outer union.

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